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Friday, September 17, 2010

#25 Schaumburg Portillo's

The 50th state in our union was established in 1959 and no, you cannot find a Portillo’s there.  However, you can find Spam, and plenty of it.  According to Hormel, Hawaii is the largest consumer of Spam.  Quite possibly you are wondering why I’m writing about Hawaii, or Spam for that matter.  No, there are no Portillo’s in Hawaii and no, Portillo’s does not serve Spam.  Although, I could swear that I’ve seen a picture of Dick Portillo wearing a Hawaiian shirt.  That’s enough of a reason for me.  And, if you buy that, I have some swamp land in Florida to sell you.  Oops, “had” some swamp land.  I sold that to Disney.  Once again I digress.  Oh, the joys of writing.  Here’s the real reason I’m writing about Hawaii.  Hawaii is the home of our friend Nobu.  Nobu (pictured below) works for a company that makes and sells Hawaiian shirts.  We met through our mutual friend Kathy, who happens to be his publishing sales rep.  Fortunately, for us at least, Nobu and Kathy travel to Chicago a few times a year to review and approve the company’s catalog.  Yes, the catalog is produced here.  Well, strange as it may seem, it’s actually produced in Wisconsin.  One time Kathy tried to explain it to me.  She said something about paper, shipping, and labor costs, just before I derailed the conversation to talk more about ghosts with Nobu.  Hawaii is, if you’ve ever seen that Brady Bunch episode, chock full of ghosts.  According to Nobu, there are good ghosts and bad ones.  If you are unsure which witch is which, you better study up before you travel to Hawaii.

I think Nobu really enjoyed his first Italian Beef sandwich.  Joy said it was exceptionally good that night.  I just can’t wait to get to Hawaii for a big slice of fried Spam.  Just kidding Nobu.

Char-Grilled Italian Sausage (very sweet and awesome)
Chocolate Éclair Cake (should be illegal it’s so good)

Italian Beef
Chocolate Éclair Cake (I’m not the only one who likes it)
Jumbo Hot Dog
Chocolate Cake

Nobu (can eat)
Italian Beef
Onion Rings
Chocolate Cake Shake

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