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Saturday, November 27, 2010

#30 Streamwood Portillo's

You know how they call the Friday after Thanksgiving “Black Friday” and the following Monday “Cyber Monday.”  Well, I call the Saturday in between “Frostbite Saturday.”  It’s the official outside Christmas decoration and party day!  Yippee Ho Ho Ho!  This is one of Joy’s favorite days of the year, since it’s time to move the party outside.  Every year, for who knows how long (Joy would), I traipsed around the block goading people into buying a Christmas tree to put on their front lawn.  Perhaps, goading is too strong a term; I more or less cajoled them.  Well, at least I used to, but now one of our very nice neighbors (the new capo) has agreed to be the strong arm and the godfather (me) gets to chill - literally.  Don’t know where I was going there...  In any case, it’s really a site to see as most of the neighbors participate.   Check out the photo below (not posted yet).  What cool neighbors we have!  Thanks to all who helped and brang out the goodies.  Oh, and though I complain a lot, I enjoy letting the kids pick out their trees and drag them down the block.  It’s even better when those little imps, I mean elves, get all hopped up on sugar and have a marshmallow war.  Oh yeah, it happened.  Don't know how that started.

Back to our story, still in progress, eating at Portillo’s. This week we went to the Portillo’s in Streamwood.  I could swear we’ve eaten here before.  When Josh was small we used to take him out to the Chuck-E-Cheese next door.  Talk about fun times, you know, crawling through those ... hum ... a ... odiferous (politically correct description) ... tubes.

Check out what I had to eat, I’m getting down to some really interesting combinations. I had a chili dog and a Caesar salad.  Both were good, though not a combination that I would normally recommend.

P.S.   I'd be remiss if I didn't mention my nephew's wedding.  We had a nice drive down to the beautiful (eye of the beholder - or beerholder) state of Kansas to see our nephew get married.  Good luck Greg and Annie, the first 20 years are the hardest.

Chili Cheese Dog
Ceasar Salad

Cheese Burger
Onion Rings (to heck with the diet)
Side Coleslaw

Jumbo Hot Dog
French Fries

Annie and Greg - 11/20/10

Sunset in Manhattan Kansas

Sunday, November 14, 2010

#29 Summit Portillo's

How early is too early to start playing Christmas music?  I think any time before Thanksgiving, but Joy thinks starting the first of November is fine.  But that’s the way she is, she’s the planner and I’m the procrastinator.  She’s so organized and efficient that a good portion of the Christmas decorations are already up.  What’s wrong with going straight from Halloween decorations to Christmas decorations?

The Summit Portillo's is on Harlem Avenue, just south of the Stevenson.  Don't you love it when highways have names, but those names do not appear on any maps?!  Anyway, despite this Portillo's having a bit of a parking problem - we had to park in an auxiliary lot - it was relatively easy to get to from our house.  And, this is the only Portillo's we've been to that serves custard.  Yes, you heard that right, custard, like the kind you find at Culver's.  Actually Joy thought it was better than Culver's!   Then again, she doesn't like things sickeningly sweet.  I thought it was good and I had an interesting combination of items today, check it out below.

P.S. Oldest kid next door, you know who you are. What’s the big deal if Joy wants her decorations up a couple weeks before Thanksgiving?!

Chicken Tenders (good - though I rarely get fried food so I'm no expert)
Green Pepper Soup  (liked it)
Turtle Sundae (good)
Italian Beef
Hot Fudge Sundae (loved the custard, not the fudge)