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Thursday, March 18, 2010

#11 St. Charles Portillo's

A special thank you is owed to William Willett (Englishman) who, in 1907, suggested and lobbied for Daylight Savings Time.  Unfortunately, he croaked (kicked the bucket) just before it was enacted.  The U.S. adopted DST in 1918, after Germany and Great Britain (Wikipedia rocks).  Willett suggested that the clocks be advanced 20 minutes a week for 4 consecutive weeks in April.  After running around and setting 9 clocks in the house, and a clock in each car, I’m glad I only have to change them twice a year.  Besides they (people in the know) recommend that you change the batteries in your smoke detectors when the time changes.  It probably wouldn’t be good for the environment and it could get very expensive throwing out eight sets of batteries!  One interesting thing I read was that the U.S. Department of Transportation notes that traffic fatalities are reduced when there is extra afternoon daylight.  I can believe that.  I drove to and from work the other day at 10 mph because the sun was burning my eyes out.  I guess it’s hard to kill anyone at that speed.  However, I’d wager that both fender benders and cataracts have increased.  The irony may be that more people are now being killed by blind drivers.

Josh mentioned something very interesting during lunch at the St. Charles Portillo’s last Sunday.  He said that he heard that they (the people appointed to look out for our well being) are thinking about changing the shape of hot dogs.  I did a little searching and confirmed, via an on-line Business Week article dated 2/22/2010, that this is in fact true.  It turns out that hot dogs are the perfect shape to choke small children.  I assume they mean lodged in their airways and not wrapped around their necks.  Josh suggested that hot dogs be made hollow like Life Saver candies.  And, Joy suggested that they be filled with mustard.  The more I think about it, I suggest that all food be ground up into mush, that way virtually no one will choke.  Incidentally, I would like my mush dog with everything, thank you.

Bacon Burger (bacon is great, but not when limp. suggestion - make it crispier)
Broiled Chicken (I swear she ordered this before)
Coleslaw (note to self – confirm size with Joy before ordering)
Jumbo Dog
Cheese Fries

(from cell phone - battery died on camera)

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