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Sunday, September 12, 2010

#24 Shorewood Portillo's

Many of you who know me know that I enjoy working on computers.  I know it’s kind of geeky, but we all need hobbies, right?  In any case, I usually only work on friend’s computers and I always refuse payment.  That doesn’t stop my friends from occassionally trying to compensate me (thank you Denise and Jim for the Omaha Steaks!), which, if it makes them feel better, I guess that’s all right with me.  I mention this because today I enjoyed lunch at the Portillo’s in Shorewood thanks to Bonnie.  Bonnie hasn’t had much luck with her dad’s PC and now that she has her own laptop she’s being super careful about viruses, right Bonnie? 

I know this is the wrong forum, but I can assure you that whatever links or attachments your friends send you are not that funny.  Computer viruses are a pain.  Also, don’t be naive, Internet content can be written anyone, even people like me.  I assume you know that because you are reading this now.  In any case, DON’T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ, even if it sounds plausible. 

Shorewood is 32.4 miles from our home.  Ok, it should be that far, but it’s considerably farther when you don’t use a GPS or a map and you get lost.  Consequently, we had a nice drive in the country where we got to see some corn fields and barns and such; it was a beautiful sunny 80 degree day.  Shorewood, in case you don’t know is south of Plainfield.  This Portillo’s is on Route 59, which down that way is called Brook Forest Ave.  Don’t you just love it when streets change names?  That’s a rhetorical question although, there actually may be people who enjoy streets with multiple names.  For example, the people that name them.  In any case, it was a nice day and we stopped in downtown Plainfield.  I forced Joy to eat some ice cream at a little shop.  Ok, I didn’t have to bend her arm behind her back, but she really didn’t want it.  Honestly I just stopped at the joint to use the bathroom, and I felt guilty, so I had to buy something …

Breadded Chicken Croissant (Order a small side of coleslaw and add it to the sandwich. If you’re going to consume that many calories already, you might as well go for it.)

Charbroiled Chicken Sandwich
(2) Root beers


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